In the early 1990s, after I'd settled in Montana, I needed a cassette player in my 1993 Volvo 240 wagon. I'm am not clear what I had in there previously but it must have been something as I had had the car for a while and I wouldn't have gone without at least an AM/FM radio. I had no speical criteria for selecting this deck and probably picked it from as slew of others based on simple features and price, after all, I was a beginning teacher at the time.
There really isn't much to say about the deck except that it has simply worked for all these years and continues to do so. I've had a couple different speaker configurations in the car iver the years and currently have some 6x9 in boxes that I build that sit back in the cargo area. Not hi-fo but it sounds OK. One of its features is that it slides out of its mounting which is difficult to do with where I have it mounted.
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Updated December 2020.